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Returning to Center Yoga Workshop

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The Experience

Find your flow state with Nicole Cronin, seasoned yoga leader and owner of The Pad Studios. Dedicated to helping you find your center physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, this yoga workshop begins with a fluid Vinyasa flow session followed by breathwork, movement, journaling and a light introduction to embodiment and somatics.

  • Saturday, September 21st from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  • $125 per person
  • Add Halehouse access for an additional $175 or with the purchase of a 60+ minute spa treatment
  • Space is limited

The Instructor: Nicole Cronin

Nicole Cronin, a yoga leader for over a decade, faced a life-altering car accident in 2012, resulting in the loss of her fiancé and landing herself in a wheelchair due to a broken back. This tragedy ignited her unwavering commitment to life. Nicole's...

Springhouse Recovery Regimen

Discover state-of-the-art wellness methods at Springhouse, a pre-treatment offering or post workout recovery regimen that utilizes heat, cold, steam, and micro salts to activate the body’s natural healing processes.
  • From our iconic cedar sauna to salt therapy, elevate your experience with access to Springhouse

  • Additional charges apply

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