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Coyote Camp Kids Club


The Experience

Coyote Kids Camp at Bishop’s Lodge offers an array of activities during the summer months to keep your young adventurers curious, engaged, and enchanted. Each week, Thursday-Saturday, we offer age-appropriate skill building activities that explore our natural surroundings, history, and culture of Santa Fe and this land. Our days follow a flow learning model, beginning with a game to awaken children’s enthusiasm, followed by skill-building activities to teach wilderness know-how and engage children more deeply in nature. Each day’s themes are complemented through story, nature journaling and an art project to tap into your child’s imagination and creativity. Lunch may be beside a river or under the shade of trees. Coyote Camp commences on June 6 and runs until September 7.

  • Thursday-Saturday from 10AM - 3PM | Half day and full day available
  • Offered to children ages 5-12
  • Early booking recommended
  • Please inquire for pricing at 888.741.048
  • *Reservations required at least 72 hours in advance | All activities are outdoors with a few exceptions for inclement weather and occasional transportation on the property


Foraging, horseback riding, arts and crafts – even Survival 101. This season at Bishop's Lodge, embrace the thrill of our high-desert summer with activities and experiences crafted specially for your little ones.

Preparing for Adventure, Connecting with the Earth

  • Staying Found | The four directions, identifying landmarks, what to do if you get lost

  • Becoming Stealth | Learn to fox walk

  • Play “Camouflage” | Hike to a nearby wild space and learn the importance of disguising amidst your surroundings

  • Nature Connection: Eagle Eye | A game of sneaking and slyness

  • Lunch Break | Whether on the trail or outside at the Lodge, enjoy a good old-fashioned bagged lunch 

Amazing Animals: Get Wild

  • Horsing Around | Feed the horses, brush their mane, and walk with them

  • New Mexico Fauna | Learn about the animals native to our land

  • Fishing | The art of fishing and tying flies at our on-property stream

  • Nature Connection | Animal tracking, gaits and adaptations

  • Storytime | How the bunny got its tail and other animal stories


  • Survival 101 | The art of survival includes how to create a shelter, the importance of clean drinking water, and how to set your own fire ablaze

  • Nature Connection | Find your own place in nature and be present with the wild

  • Storytime | The story of the trout

Ancestral Pueblo People: Nature Paints, Camouflage + Pictographs

  • The Art of Paint | Use a variety of natural materials to create the perfect blend of paint

  • Ancient Script Reading | Invented over 3,000 years ago, learn how to read pictographs into a story 

  • Nature Connection: Games | Camouflage, Eagle Eye

  • Storytime | Dine creation story, pictograph stories

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